The ragdoll is a breed of peace-loving big cats, which are ideal for families, children. The cat got its name from one of the favorite American toys, the "rag doll", which allows you to do anything with yourself.
Ragdolls are animals with a truly magical appearance, amazing manners and an incredibly calm character. Their temperament is extremely soft, they are docile, calm and very kind, which is unusual for other cats. And their unique ability to relax the muscles of the entire body as much as possible is simply amazing – just take a cat in your arms and immediately you can feel how it completely gives itself to your power and does not even try to strain a single muscle. Cats of this breed NEVER show aggression to their owners. Scratched hands are not about them! Their paws are always soft and tender. When these cats come to your hands or lie down, snuggling up to You, you feel incomparable tenderness coming from these paws.
Cats and cats of this breed are excellent companions. You will always feel their unobtrusive presence. They are always keenly interested in what you are doing and try to participate in all the processes of family life. If you are planning a trip or moving and you have a question to take or not to take a pet, then feel free to take it. For ragdolls, the main thing is to be close to the owner, and it does not matter that for this you will have to suffer some inconvenience. In our cattery, all cats are excellent travelers. It so happens that we have to live in two cities (St. Petersburg and Moscow) and often move between these cities. In the car we have a camping tray, a bowl of food and water and convenient carrying. And cats are great at taking trips. Moreover…. It is only necessary to put a carrier at the door in the corridor at home, as they themselves climb in and show that they are ready to move with joy.
I would also like to mention the mind of ragdolls. Sometimes it seems that we have a telepathic connection with them. They literally understand everything at a glance. Their blue eyes always seek the gaze of their beloved master. And it seems that when we make eye contact with them, it somehow miraculously calms them down. In a veterinary clinic, at an exhibition, or in other "scary" situations, just look them in the eye and the animals immediately calm down.
In addition to internal beauty, these affectionate giants also have a great appearance. Their silk fur coat gives a unique tactile sensation, and their amazing eyes, from bright blue to blue, will not leave anyone indifferent. No photo can fully reflect the waves of gentle beauty emanating from them. Only after seeing them "live", you begin to understand the power of their beauty.
I would like to note that ragdolls are very sensitive cats. They are deeply worried if they are scolded and very much upset if they do not pay attention to them, and they do not like shouting and noise. From the disorder, they may lose their appetite and begin to wither. Therefore, before you buy these amazing animals, you need to think very responsibly – whether You can devote time to them, whether they will sit alone in an empty apartment, whether the situation in the family is calm. If there is no positive answer to all three points, then you should refuse to purchase kittens of this breed.
Ragdoll cats are slow maturing cats. They only become adults at the age of 3. Until this time, they grow, gain muscle mass and acquire the final color and eye color. All ragdoll kittens are born white, and only over time their color begins to appear and darken.
The same applies to their fur. Only after the baby molt, some lines have it at 3-4 months, some later, by 9-10 months, ragdolls become real dandies with luxurious frills and pants.
On many sites you can find information that cats and cats of this breed do not shed. This, of course, is not true. Well, think about it, even we are constantly updating our hair, so how can we talk about the absence of molting in an animal with such a magnificent coat. But at the same time, I would like to note that the hair of these cats is not like normal. It is extremely silky, lies in a flowing cover and gently sways when moving, not prone to the formation of tangles due to the lack of undercoat. To maintain it in excellent condition does not require much effort. It is necessary to comb (once every three days) and periodically wash as it gets dirty (once every 2-3 months). Now there are a lot of good cosmetics that allow you to put your pet in order and at home. Cats of this breed tolerate bath days well, the main thing is to get used to their frequency.
Summing up, I would like to note that ragdolls are not just cats, they are something more!
We were engaged in cats of several breeds and we have something to compare.
Therefore, I would like to once again encourage those who plan to have a pet of this breed at home to take a very responsible approach to their choice. Evaluate your strength and capabilities, as well as purchase an animal only in an officially registered kennel from responsible breeders, this will help avoid unpleasant "surprises". And then this incomparable Miracle will appear in Your home!